WOW - Episode 129 "Top Tier Terrors" Review (ft. Top Tier vs Spring Break 24/7)
This episode sets the stage for WOW's upcoming tag title confrontation (which they may have spoiled already) with Penelope Pink & HollySwag taking on Big Rigs & Bourbon. Did their confrontation at the beginning of the show make you excited for their upcoming confrontation?
CHAPTERS: 0:00:00 - Show Intro 0:02:59 - News, Views and Updates 0:58:36 - WOW's Opening Segment (Fab 4 challenge for tag team championships) 1:08:58 - B.K. Rhythm (w/Gigi Gianni) vs Xena Phoenix 1:23:43 - Animal Instinct vs Ashley Blaze & Kara Kai 1:36:00 - Daisy Lane/Chainsaw recap video 1:37:21 - Chainsaw (w/ Daisy Lane) vs Tiki Charmorro 1:54:01 - Sibley Scoles interview segment (w/Xena Phoenix) 1:58:06 - Top Tier vs Spring Break 24/7 2:19:06 - Episode Recap (No One is Over) 2:34:05 - Next Episode preview 2:36:50 - Show Outro
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